20 Simple Wellness Tips

You are seeking to improve your self. You wish to express yourself more fully and to be understood by others through your heartfelt expressions. Your self is unique. But you are not simply a self occupying a body born on your birthday. You are so much more. Simultaneously, you are a universe and the universe. …

Lucky Celestial Lion Cookies

Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride. – Anthony Bourdain One thing I miss about living in China is the immense variety of regional specialty foods. I am fortunate in that I’ve been able to enjoy some amazing Chinese foods over the years. Around the world, traditional foods are …

One Less Bite of the Earth

The first wealth is health. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Our lives are being impacted by a conglomerate of global crises: climate, covid-19, extinctions, economic inequality, hunger, poverty, drought, fires, Brood X cicadas and so many more. We can easily feel overwhelmed by the scale of these doom-bringers. The impact of having so many simultaneous crisis …

Giving Thanks

If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. – Meister Eckhart Let us all give thanks this day and every day. So many people in the US are traveling to be with family. I cannot understand that. Truly, why take the chance for a day or two of eating together? …

My Book’s New Cover

I redesigned the cover of my book – Unboxing Your Soul. We are all wandering timelessly through paradise. Unboxing your soul reveals who you truly are. After a miraculous epiphany changed my life forever, I wanted to share what manifested in my life after I unboxed my soul. I hope by reading this book you …

Healthy Green Superfood

Cooking greens Chinese style Leafy green vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in calories. And so eating greens can provide numerous health benefits, such as a reduced risk of: heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, inflammation and more. Greens are a cruciferous vegetable. Dark green leafy are a great source …